
In this tutorial, we’ll assume that vre_template_tool is already installed on your system. If that’s not the case, see Installation Section.

The following is a walk through of developing a tool and a wrapper to include a new functionality within the VRE. Some stages are covering the tool development, using the tool and defining the configuration files required so that the final product can be integrated into de VRE.

This tutorial will walk and help you through the following tasks for creating a tool ready to be integrated into de VRE.

VRE template Tool is written in Python. If you’re new to the language you might want to start to learn Python quickly, the Python Tutorial is a good resource.

What next

Now that you have and idea of what the vre_template_tool package provides, you should investigate the parts of the package most useful for you and see an example of how to use it.

Reference Section provides details on VRE template Tool.

Examples Section provides an example using VRE template Tool.